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How To Clean Paint from Vinyl Floors

Paint drips and spills should not be allowed to dry, bond to the vinyl and create permanent stains. For really large spills, such as when a paint can has tipped over or dropped, pour kitty litter or shredded newspaper on the stain to contain it. WIpe up as much paint as possible while wet, trying to avoid spreading it in the process. If the paint has dried, carefully use a razor blade to cut away as much of the paint as possible, avoiding contacting the floor with the sharp edge of the blade. Use the blade at an angle close to horizontal, moving away from yourself or to the side. Avoid cutting towards yourself and always use extreme caution when using sharp implements. Following the removal of as much of the excess paint as possible, use a clean sponge dampened with water to apply a citrus-based cleaner to the remaining stain. The active ingredient, d-limonene will help break down the paint without affecting the vinyl. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry. For stubborn marks, try the following techniques to help alleviate remaining stains.

Latex and Water-Based Paint

Soak a clean soft cloth in rubbing alcohol. Press on the stain and allow to remain for up to 10 min. Remove the compress and apply a small amount of mineral spirits with a clean soft cloth to remove the rubbing alcohol.  Use a clean sponge dampened with water to apply a mild dish soap such as ivory to remove the rubbing alcohol. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry. Allowing rubbing alcohol to remain on the floor for extended periods of time may damage the sealant.

Oil and Enamel Paint

PEC-12 is a commercially available solvent that will effectively remove oil stains without damaging vinyl. It is highly effective, but also highly toxic and you should make sure to protect your skin and eyes, and avoid ingesting or inhaling the product. Spray PEC-12 directly to the problem area with a clean dry non-abrasive wipes such as the one available through PEC-12. You can substitute a cotton ball for the non-abrasive wipe. Rub gently to remove the stains. Use a clean sponge dampened with water to apply a mild dish soap such as ivory to remove the rubbing alcohol. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry. If you are concerned about toxicity, try substituting the rubbing alcohol method for latex paint as described above.

Caution: Do not use ammonia on vinyl floors as it is corrosive to vinyl. Never mix cleaning agents or chemicals, the result can be dangerous or deadly. Before cleaning, always test the agent on an inconspicuous location to determine its suitability and to make certain it does not damage the material. Wear appropriate clothing such as gloves and protective eyewear, and work in a well-ventilated area. Accidental inhalation or ingestion of cleaning agents can be hazardous and even fatal, particularly to pets and children.

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