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Even the cleanest shower area can be a hospitable environment for mold and mildew, due to the constant heat and humidity. The  following stain remedies followed by regular maintenance will help keep shower glass free of this unhealthy and unsightly stain. Glass textures and protective coatings can vary somewhat, so test all cleaning solutions and application techniques in an inconspicuous  location before using them in a wider area.

Persistent, cyclical or wide-spread stains may require the attention of a professional. When dealing with mold and mildew yourself, it is especially important to wear appropriate clothing such as gloves, protective eyewear, and a mask. Use cleaning implements that are disposable, or easily disinfected. Be sure there is adequate ventilation. Use a high quality dust mask available at many hardware stores and have garbage bags handy to dispose of contaminated materials. If possible, you may wish to remove the shower glass doors from their track, and clean them outside your home.

Fill a plastic bucket that can be easily disinfected with a gallon of hot water. Add 1/2 cup powdered dishwashing detergent,  and 1/2 cup of borax to act as a booster, as well as for its anti-fungal properties. Mix well as borax is lightly abrasive in powder form. Use a scrub brush or sponge to work the diluted borax into the area affected by the mold/mildew. Appearance is still a concern, and you can choose a brush that will avoid scratching the shower glass door or protective coating. However keep in mind that in the case of mold and mildew, health is the main priority. Borax has anti-fungal properties and will hopefully help the treated areas resist future mold/mildew growth. Rinse the sponge regularly, and refresh the solution as needed. When the mold and mildew has been removed to your satisfaction, rinse the area well with water.

Once mold and mildew removal has been completed to your satisfaction, follow with a quick overall cleansing using rubbing alcohol applied with crumpled newspaper to help achieve a streak-free finish. Complete the cleaning process with a quick rinse of the whole area with clean water. Use a squeegee to wick away excess moisture from the shower door. To help prevent further mold and mildew buildup, spray after each shower with a dilute solution of tea tree oil, and keep the shower area well-ventilated and as dry as possible between uses.

Caution: Never mix cleaning agents or chemicals, the result can be dangerous or deadly. Before cleaning, always test the agent on an inconspicuous location to determine its suitability and to make certain it does not damage the material. Wear appropriate clothing such as gloves and protective eyewear, and work in a well-ventilated area. Accidental inhalation or ingestion of cleaning agents can be hazardous and even fatal, particularly to pets and children.

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